Nikaera Kasao daredesu ka?

(Who is Nichaela Casao?)

Your Name (Last name, First Name, M.I.):


1. Nichaela is currently studying the language?

2. What is Nichaela's favorite color?

3. What is Nichaela's favorite food?

4. How many siblings does Nichaela have?

5. Would Nichaela rather be too busy or bored?

6. What is/are Nichaela's favorite animal?

7. What is/are Nichaela's favorite sport?

8. What kind of superpower/s would Nichaela like to poses?

9. What makes Nichaela alive?

10. Nichaela has never ever...

11. How old is Nichaela?

12. What is Nichaela's Favorite subject?

13. When is Nichaela's birthday?

14. What condiment does Nichaela hates to add in a fried egg?

15. What is the thing that Nichaela sharpened when she was in grade 1?

"Allow yourself to enjoy each happy moment in your life."